Welcome to Episode 42 of the Asian Hustle Network Podcast! We are very excited to have Alex Su on this week's episode.
We interview Asian entrepreneurs around the world to amplify their voices and empower Asians to pursue their dreams and goals. We believe that each person has a message and a unique story from their entrepreneurial journey that they can share with all of us.
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Alex Su is the Director of Business Development at Evisort, a Series A enterprise legal technology company backed by Microsoft. Before his technology career, Alex was a lawyer at Sullivan & Cromwell, one of the world's most prestigious law firms, and was the first law clerk hired by the Honorable Edmond E. Chang, the first Asian American federal judge in Chicago. Alex graduated from Northwestern Law in 2010, where he served on the law review and was elected by his classmates to be the student commencement speaker. He's also a 2005 graduate of Carnegie Mellon University, where he was the President of the Taiwanese Students Association and a charter member of Lambda Phi Epsilon, a national Asian-interest fraternity.
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