Katerina Jeng and Krystie Yen // Ep 12 // Building a Collective of Creative Activists with Slant’d

Welcome to Episode 12 of the Asian Hustle Network Podcast! We are very excited to have Katerina Jeng and Krystie Yen on this week's episode. We interview Asian entrepreneurs around the world to amplify their voices and empower Asians to pursue their dreams and goals. We believe that each person has a message and a unique story from their entrepreneurial journey that they can share with all of us. Check us out on Anchor, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, TuneIn, Spotify and more. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave us a positive 5-star review. This is our opportunity to use the voices of the Asian community and share these incredible stories with the world. We release a new episode every Wednesday, so stay tuned! Katerina Jeng and Krystie Yen are the creative entrepreneurs and co-founders of Slant’d, a collective of Asian Americans celebrating the journey of self-discovery. By sharing personal stories and creating welcoming community spaces, Slant’d is redefining what it means to be American. The collective launched the inaugural issue of their annual anthology-meets-art book on Kickstarter in 2017 and has since been featured on TEDx, Talks at Google, CBS News, People, Colorlines, and more. Beyond Slant’d, Katerina is also the Strategic Director at Spectacle, an inclusive content marketing agency. She is a 1st generation Filipina-Taiwanese-American activist, poet, and rabble-rouser. Katerina has a Bachelor of Arts in English & Music from Cornell University. Beyond Slant’d, Krystie is also channeling her creativity for good as a social entrepreneur on a mission to make the world a more inclusive and equitable place. She conspires with awe-inspiring leaders of color on projects that shape culture, tackle social injustices, and build communities. Krystie has a dual degree in Business Administration & Public Health from UC Berkeley.

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