Mikkoh Chen and Megan Ruan // Ep 22 // Forging Meaningful Bonds With Gold House

Welcome to Episode 22 of the Asian Hustle Network Podcast! We are very excited to have  Mikkoh Chen and Megan Ruan on this week's episode.

We interview Asian entrepreneurs around the world to amplify their voices and empower Asians to pursue their dreams and goals. We believe that each person has a message and a unique story from their entrepreneurial journey that they can share with all of us.

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Mikkoh Chen is a Taiwanese-American entrepreneur and diversity champion. The Los Angeles native turned New Yorker is driven by building scalable platforms that aim to shift societal norms and create greater equity across all mediums.

Given his firm belief that growing diverse talent and matching it with premier opportunities engenders stronger leadership, Mikkoh has always had a passion for the intersection of recruiting and technology. Outside of Gold House, Mikkoh leads marketplace operations at Trusted Health, a digital employment platform that optimizes the healthcare workforce, and advises Mathison.io, the first diversity talent marketplace. In addition, he is a passionate member of the LGBTQ+ organizations StartOut and Out in Tech.

Outside of his professional career, he co-leads Gold House’s success arm, including the top accelerator for Asian-led businesses, Gold Rush. Mikkoh has made it a mission to unite all types of entrepreneurs and inspire the next generation of community and business leaders.

Megan Ruan is a Chinese-American entrepreneur, investor, and advocate based in New York City. Born and raised in the Midwest, she is passionate about building communities in which women and minorities have equal access to mentorship, funding, and media representation.

Megan co-heads Gold House’s initiatives for founder and investor success. Over the past 18 months, her team has built Gold Rush (the nation’s leading Asian accelerator) from the ground up, creating a program that provides 1:1 advisorship, networking, and educational seminars to hundreds of founders. To date, Gold Rush companies have raised over $250 million in funding. In addition, Megan leads Gold House’s efforts to build a network of influential Asian angel investors that invest in high potential early-stage companies.

Outside of Gold House, Megan is an investor at the Johnson & Johnson family office. Megan began her career as an analyst at Morgan Stanley and earned dual degrees with distinction from Yale University in Economics and Psychology.

Learn more about Gold House:

Gold House

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