Poseidon Ho // Ep 30 // Betting on Outliers from Student Study Group to $100M Venture Fund

Welcome to Episode 30 of the Asian Hustle Network Podcast! We are very excited to have Poseidon Ho on this week's episode.

We interview Asian entrepreneurs around the world to amplify their voices and empower Asians to pursue their dreams and goals. We believe that each person has a message and a unique story from their entrepreneurial journey that they can share with all of us.

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Poseidon Ho is a Taiwanese Founder & General Partner of Outliers Fund, a research-driven venture fund/accelerator betting on the outliers who turn science fiction into scientific facts. Poseidon's early career was all about curiosity-driven innovation research such as studying Ant-Inspired Collective Intelligence at MIT Media Lab, building Pokemon GO-like Augmented Reality Gamifications for the 100th anniversary of San Diego Zoo Global, and launching Microsoft HoloLens in China for Microsoft Research Asia. Poseidon is known for building large-scale LEGO cities for ant colonies and raising $2M+ in a week as a decentralized VC when he was a student at MIT. In 2020, 2 of Poseidon's invested/accelerated startups are filing IPO and he is raising a $100M Outliers Venture Fund.

This podcast episode is sponsored by The Funding Note. thefundingnote.com is where you can easily search and track all the funding programs, grants, loans, tax credit programs in the United States that will help your business get access to capital. It's free to use and is updated on a daily basis and is currently tracking thousands of programs across the nation.

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